Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Self-Branding: Website

Over the year I have developed and worked on my website. Initially I had the background the creamy colour of my branding palette and I had made my images jpegs with this as the background so it blended. However this did cause problems on my site and also I ran out of space for images quickly. 

When in London with Alphabetica I went through my online porfolio eg. my website. The colours on the screen were completely different to the original images, they were also neon and weren't a true representation of my work.

When working on my placement I spoke to the web team and one guy in particular called Chris. I showed him my site and asked for some advice. He went through with me the best ways to save images for web and how to reduce the file size. He suggested saving them as pngs instead of jpegs so that they had transparency and then when I decided to alter the colour scheme I wouldn't have to reedit all my images. I also saved them as pngs and for web which drastically cut down the file size freeing more space for images.

I decided to get rid of the background cream in the end and go for pure white as I felt that this worked better as a background for work.

As I have gone on through the year I have altered, added and took briefs off. After going through my portfolio with someone I also noticed things that were missing which I wanted to talk through such as a logo at full scale. Things like this I added in along the way, improving the overall story of the brief.

I also added in projects that are quite different to my standard commercial briefs so that I have some that show my craft and experimental side. This I hope shows professionals that I can work with alternative methods to come up with something that stands out.


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