Tuesday 29 January 2013

Life's A Pitch: Final Presentation

This our presentation for Life's A Pitch:

Greta created the video, Myself and Tom created the presentation and script bringing the different areas of work we had done together, Mike did the business card and Andrea worked on our financial spending breakdown



Slide: Who are we?


Slide: (all our names on business card)

Slide: What do we offer:

We offer creative solutions that enable brands to grow and interact with there market and beyond. As a design agency we focus on branding, promotion, packaging, publication and digital media.

Slide: What is it?:

Experiential marketing allows customers to engage and interact with brands, products, and services in sensory ways that provide the icing on the cake of providing information. Personal experiences help people connect to a brand and make intelligent and informed purchasing decisions. It's the difference between telling people about features of a product or service and letting them experience the benefits for themselves. When done right, it's the most powerful tool out there to win brand loyalty.
This niche adds an edge to our agency and will allow us to collaborate with our clients in delivering positive brand experiences to there audience.

Slide: Set up of company - partnership etc? why?

Being a limited liability partnership enables us to make an equal agreement in which profit, responsibility and skills are shared and plays to our individual skill sets as designers. Being a partnership allows us to have a greater potential with ease for growth and ability to make increasing profit. We accept the additional costs in being a limited liability company for the security it supplies to us as individual designers.

Slide: Funding

Our initial start up capital will come from two means, £20,000 NatWest small business loan and a 18-30 young entrepreneurs young business loan. This money will fund our start up costs and operations for one year.

Slide: We will be based:

Our studio will be based in the Greenhouse development where sustainability lives and works.
Greenhouse employs the latest technologies throughout the building meaning that you can effectively reduce your company’s carbon footprint and save 60% on your energy costs. Aka cheaper bills! This allows us to be conscious of our impact on the environment and save money.

Slide: Roles in the company?

The studio is split into different roles:
Project manager / Researcher / Art worker / Visual Engineer / Proof Reader / Coder

The process in which we work is to each designer’s skill assets.
The project manager of a brief will be determined on whose expertise it lies within.

We have external connections with additional companies who collaborate with us on projects to erect the experiential designs.

Slide: FSB

We are a member of FSB.
They offer us 24/7 access to legal and tax advice, insurance cover for legal fees as well advice on health and safety.

Slide: Business objectives

To achieve our sales target in the first 12 months our plan is to expand small, local brands by generating experiential design in order to get known for well-executed and creative ideas that connect with the target market.

We will introduce more developed services in branding and identity to grow our business in the following two years. We will focus more on creating and developing brand identity than our initial focus on promotion of brands. This will allow us to stay in contact with our clients built over our first year and encourage their brands in a new direction.

We will begin to start rebranding and offering a complete service in branding identity and strategy for well known commercial brands once we have built a strong portfolio of work with a variety of clients.

Slide: Potential Clients

The Allotment – clothing company based in Leeds

Slide: Similar Companies

Slide: How will you promote your business?
We will have different stages of self promotion.

To launch ourselves as an agency and make contact with clients we will host an event called ‘The Unknown’, the title reflecting our studio at the time. This would become an annual event that will show the progress of our agency year on year. 

Slide: Online Presence

To maintain a presence we will have our own website with a display of work we have produced.
We will set up digital networking accounts on sites such as linked in and use locating sites like foursquare where we advertise our location as well as check in places showing what we are doing as an agency aka meeting with clients and events.

This will be useful for small business looking for a local design agency in finding us.

Slide: Staying in contact

To market ourselves further and keep clients up to date with what we’re doing we will have a series of mailshots in the style of postcards. This is intended to be a cheap, timely, low-tech, ethical marketing campaign and one that generates an emotional response from potential clients, and reaffirms emotion as the new selling tool.

Slide: Networking
Our business card will be used in making contact with potential clients by visiting local small businesses and giving them our business card to make them aware of the service we provide. The card shows our concept of our name and agency by using our logo as an adaptable and creative format for conversation. ­

I felt the presentation went really well and was structured effectively to sell ourselves as a business. To improve I would recommend that we rehearsed what we were going to say and where the slides were in relation to what we were saying more to get a better flow of information to our audience. As me and Tom created it we knew how it went and it would be more productive in the future to make sure everyone has gone through it before it instead of leaving them to go through it.

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