Thursday 3 May 2012

Speaking from Experience - Design Sheets

After having the crit on our ideas i decided to start doing some design sheets.
I started by working out the name. After having the idea of 'what would fred say?' bracelet similar to the WWJD ones I wanted to go with this idea further. With the bracelet asking the question what would fred to say in the situation of being ill, the items in the medical kit will feature Fred Says in response to the question. When writing out the text i thought about the negative space in and around the text and started seeing how visual this was in reading as legible text. It wasn't very clear to read in most cases but it reminded of the braille that i saw through my research on medicine boxes. This made me think about having Fred Says in a Graphic Design braille using the negative space of text as it tied in with my other idea of being ill on the quiet.

I drafted out some ideas as to what would feature on the items using paracetamol as an example and experimented with scale and layout. I thought of a simple code system for the items using geometric shapes to represent which parts of the body the item works for. This ties in with the feedback i received back from the crit as it needed to be clear and big and colour coded to help you find what you were looking for easy.

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